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Epilogue From President & JMD

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The external and internal operating environment further guided Greenko to identify strategic directions, approaches, focus areas and KPI’s



These strategic directions, approaches, focus areas and KPI’s are designed to steer Greenko to GKO 3.0 and stay on course to preserve and enhance the value creation philosophy.

Financial Capital

Commitment to integrity and transparency is the cornerstone of the continuing trust enjoyed by Greenko. In the pursuit of its vision and mission, Greenko will have to tap diverse sources of capital, including green/climate/social bonds, and pursue both organic and inorganic growth to continue to be amongst the top 3 power utilities in India.


Operational Capital

The energy sector is going through many disruptions. But this offers a myriad opportunity to Greenko as it is rightly placed to harness all new value pools. Greenko has been preparing to harness the diverse value pools that are available in Indian energy systems. Some of these may involve a marginal improvement and some others- a large project. Over and above this, Greenko continues to be agile and ready to adopt the technology as per the the demands of the business. This has implications for our technology, R&D, HR and Operations functions.


Human Capital

People are at the center of Greenko’s pursuits. Nurturing talent and caring for people is a principled commitment at Greenko- it involves attracting, training, rewarding, recognizing and growing. Fair, Safe, Healthy and Lively workplace is furthering such commitment. As the sector is likely to face significant disruptions and challenges, it is imperative that our people are motivated, committed, agile and innovative to enable the company to navigate through turbulent trends and harness opportunities. Our ownership models drive people to be responsible for outcomes of their work and “transform and be transformed”


Innovation Capital

Innovation at Greenko is continuous and targeted to adopt and adapt to appropriate technologies. It is also about system integration and geography-specific customization involving soft and hard approaches. Accordingly, innovation at Greenko is cross -functional, systems and processes and standard operating practices. People, Process and Systems significantly supplements Greenko’s Innovation Capital and becomes the critical instrument for driving transformation and adaptation at all levels.


Natural Capital

Greenko’s business is designed to harness unaccounted nature’s value. Accordingly, Greenko’s business from inception and in future, would be addressing challenges and opportunities of “caring for nature” Greenko is committed not to harm nature in all its operations and value chain, to the extent practicable. In addition, Greenko is proactively contributing to the conservation of ecosystems and managing impact across the life cycle.


Social & Relationship Capital

Greenko’s business involves operations that are land, water and ecology intensive and is situated amongst people and has intertwined with their livelihood. It touches the lives of many in and around its sites. Greenko considers the nature of its operations, as an opportunity to touch many lives and contribute. Greenko’s partnership with communities enables us to deploy projects on time, manage assets efficiently and provides us a broader social license to operate. Further, journey to GKO 3.0 and 4.0 would necessitate partnerships and relationships of a new kind. The challenge in the new model will be “to be self-organizing in a multi-agent system”
