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Framework of Trust

Value Creation - Greenko way

Creating and Sharing Value

Epilogue From President & JMD

Download Full IR 2018-19

Greenko is one of the leading renewable energy companies in India, with assets across solar, wind, hydro, biomass and gasbased power generation. It presently has an installed generation capacity of 4.8 GW across 13 states in India, with another 20 GW in the pipeline.

Greenko is leading the decarbonization, digitalization and decentralization of the Indian energy market with a road map under implementation for utility-scale, clean and affordable energy to meet the country’s longterm energy security needs. The group is committed to transforming renewable energy from real-time energy to a dispatchable and controlled medium through digitalization and storage solutions to support the economy-wide shift towards a carbon-neutral electricity mix in the Country. Greenko Group has adopted a long-term view of business, guided by strong corporate values, high ethical standards, and an able shareholder base that includes sovereign wealth funds GIC and ADIA. Greenko’s ultimate holding company is Greenko Energy Holdings, which is incorporated in Mauritius.
