
About the Report

Our Approach to Integrated Reporting

Greenko’s 5th consecutive integrated report delineates the evolving value creation story of the business. The report shows Greenko’s efforts in the transformation from a Renewable Asset Developer and Manager to becoming a Energy Transition and Industrial Transformation Solution Provider. Greenko’s business model is aligned to be the significant contributor to the achievement of India’s decarbonisation goals and contribute to the Net Zero ambitions of the globe and especially First Movers - both businesses and nations. The strategy and its deployment is shared in alignment with ESG aspects. The narrative of value creation and performance data and information is presented in multi capital format of IIRC. In addition, the requirements of GRI Standards and other global norms are addressed.

Reporting Boundary and Scope

The report covers the business activities of Greenko Group. It covers the operations of its Renewable Energy Assets, development of multiple Pumped Storage projects and activities on manufacturing of Electrolysers, Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia. It focusses on material aspects relevant to its value creation - generating, retaining, distributing, protecting, and enhancing sustainable value. The Company has also mapped its performance with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To give a background perspective to our readers, we have used figures and events from the past, and to provide a future perspective, we have used statements based on the analysis of the current context. Its expected outcomes are susceptible to change. Care is taken to ensure that all data in this report are as accurate as possible.

Reporting Period

The data in the report correspond to the progress made during the period 01st April 2021 to 31st March 2022 (Financial Year 2021-22) and 01st January 2022 to 31st December 2022 (Calendar Year 2022). However, information related to new projects and initiatives are till 31st December 2022.

Reporting Frameworks

This report has been prepared in line with the framework established by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). This report also refers to GRI Standards for reporting and captures Greenko’s contribution toward achieving the objectives of UNSDGs. Greenko’s performance is also measured as per the World Economic Forum’s stakeholder capitalism indices.

Message from the Chairman

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